Please call the parish office or rectory to make an appointment with the priest.
If you are new to the area or would like to be a parishioner, please visit the parish office and register. Young adults, 18 years or older of families already registered, are invited to register under their own name. Your membership and presence at Mass will be a blessing to us, as well as to yourself.
Everyone is invited to share with us our responsibilities of actively giving of your time, talent, and treasure for the building up of the Kingdom of God and keeping our Church community here, alive and active.
At the Masses of the 1st Sunday of each month, we hold a 2nd collection where our parishioners donate for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, administered by volunteers from our parishes. Every now and then, we may also ask for food donations.
Anyone in need of food aid or financial assistance can
a) in Dixon, please contact the parish office, 505-579 4389, or
b) in Penasco, please come into the office for an application.
Funerals arrangements have to be made through the parish office. We will give you a form to fill out with the details of the deceased as well as a selection of readings to choose from for the mass. All paperwork has to be finalized by the parish office before a date can be scheduled. There is a stole fee charge of $100 for a funeral mass.
FOR DIXON & VELARDE only: Please note that there generally is a fee for a BURIAL PLOT at one of the parish's cemeteries ONLY for Non-Active or Non-Registered Catholics, set by the parish's Pastoral & Finance Councils.
It is hard to talk about money at a time of loss and mourning. However, a parish cannot function without financial means. Active parishioners keep the parish going and the churches open, also with their financial contributions - however great or small those may be, according to people's means, and before the Lord! Please register at your parish and support your church!
Active parish members: NO fee
Inactive parish members: $1,000.00 Casket / $750.00 Urn
Non-registered/outside Catholics: $1,500.00 Casket / $1000.00 Urn
Cremains/Urn buried on an existing family gravesite: NO fee
Stole Fee for inactive/non-registered Catholics: $100.00
For more information, also for parish hall rentals, please contact the parish office. Also, please note that we try to work with the families to find a way so that their loved ones can receive a Funeral Mass and a proper burial. That is always our main concern!
A NOTE ON BURIAL PLOTS ON OUR PARISH CEMETERIES: It is certainly okay if families a while after the funeral put up a grave marker, a concrete slab on top of and/or a fence around the gravesite. BUT, please show respect to the other families by keeping to the gravesite measurements of 4' by 8'. Some gravesites are exceeding those dimensions quite a bit. This shows a lack of consideration and solidarity!
If this continues in the future, the parish may have to remove those installations, at the family's expense.
For more information on sacramental policies please visit the Archdiocese of Santa Fe's website.
Parishioners who are seriously ill, (also those who are suffering, for example, from addictions) or who are preparing for surgery, or their family members respectively, please call the PARISH EMERGENCY NUMBERS, so that a time can be scheduled for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Please do not wait until the sick person is near death or has passed away. For those who are dying, Viaticum (Holy Communion) can be celebrated.
By Appointment only.